Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayer Request

Dear family and friends,

I’m excited to tell you that once again I am blessed with the opportunity to go back to my paradise; Haiti. As many of you may know God has blessed me with the opportunity to be able to go to this beautiful country and serve those less fortunate twice before. Haiti is a country that I feel in love with and it has been such a blessing to be able to go back and serve the Haitian people and continue to build relationships with them. I can’t express the joy that is felt when seeing the smiles on the children’s faces and their big brown eyes staring up at you or to just listen to all the sounds and take in all the smells of the country. Each time I have been to Haiti it has been such a humbling experience and I am always reminded of how good God is and how blessed I am with all the “stuff” that I have here in America.

I am writing to ask you for prayer, not only for myself but also for my team, the people of Haiti and their country. Prayer is so powerful and I would love it if as we journey on this trip, when it comes to mind, if you could lift us up in prayer. Through your prayers you are apart of this exciting journey and helping to spread the love of God even though you many not be able to be there physically.

Here are a few prayer requests or thoughts: (Maybe pick one or two each day J )
  • Safe travels to and from Haiti (we will be leaving on Monday and coming back the following Monday)
  • That God would use each one of us to spread His love and show His love to those we encounter
  • That the Haitian’s that cross our path would see us differently and see God in us by what we do, how we act and what we say.
  • Prepare the hearts of those that don’t know God to be open and place these individuals in our paths so that we may minister to them.
  • For safety and good health for all of us throughout the week.
  • That each of us would lose focus of ourselves and be completely open to what God is try to teach us and what He is using us for.
  • For the organization Healing Haiti and that God would continue to bless and provide for all their needs.
  • For the government of Haiti and that they would be for the people and not so self-absorbed and focused on their own wealth and safety.
  • For the country of Haiti, that God would restore peace and justice and that there would be no more poverty or violence.
  • For the children of Haiti that they may grow to love the Lord and also learn trades in which to one day help their country.
  • That God would break our hearts for what breaks His
  • Continued strength and growth among the believers in Haiti.
  • God would fill us up and give us the compassion, grace, love, patience, joy, faith, and gentleness to reach out to those around us throughout the week.
  • For community among our team.
  • For walls to be broken down around our hearts and that we can be honest with what we are struggling with in our own lives among our team and with God.
  • That God would meet each one of us where we are at in our faith journey and strengthen our love and desire for Him.
  • That God would use us for His will on this mission trip.
  • That upon our arrival home God would give us the strength to adjust back into our daily routines but not lose sight of Him and all He showed us throughout the week.
  • That we would come back changed individuals and learn how to love those around us like Jesus.

Here is a link to the blog we will be keeping on our trip.  

Thank you so much for your continual support and prayers as I answer God’s calling to serve the Haitian people. It is such a blessing to be able to share this journey with you. I am truly blessed to have such supportive family and friends.
May God bless you for your loving hearts. In HIM.
  Jessica Burmester

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